The main screen contains a main menu, the list of unassigned job, the list of trips, a map, and several groups of icon buttons that are used to perform various functions.
In addition, the unassigned jobs, the trips, the assigned jobs and the map have context menus that will appear when the underlying item is clicked.
Top Level Menu
The top level menu is used to select various forms.
- Plans – functions related to template and daily plans.
- Locations – functions related to locations (QuickBooks customers)
- Resources – function related to Job Items, Vehicle and Workers.
- Reports – available reports.
- Integration – functions related to connecting other applications.
- Hello – other functions.
- Feedback – for sending feedback to Brewery Routing support.
- Logout – exit the Brewery Routing application.
Plan Menu
Date Selection
- Calendar – open calendar to select plan.
- Calendar/Check – show list of recently opened plans.
- Splitter Outward – show captions next to icons.
- Splitter Inward – remove captions next to icons.
Trip Actions
- Sort – sort trips in Trip List
- Up Arrow – expand jobs in trips in Trip List.
- Down Arrow – collapse jobs in trips in Trip List.
- Eyeball – show trips on map.
- Slash/Eyeball – remove trips from map.
Plan Actions
- Truck – Add trip.
- Bullet list – Show jobs.
- Octogon/X – unassign all jobs.
- Lightning bolt – Assign jobs in optimal order.
- Box/arrow – Dispatch plan.
Location Actions
- Marker – show locations on map.
Help Actions
- Question Mark – open help file.
Unassigned Job List
Left Triangle Icon
Click on this icon to hide the Unassigned list.
Right Triangle Icon
Click on this icon to show the Unassigned list.
Eyeball Icon
Click on this icon to show an icon on map for each job in the list. The number on the icon on the map matches the number in the Unassigned list.
Sort Jobs
Click on the caption at the top of the list to sort by the job values. Jobs can be sorted by number, company location, work time and delivery weight.
Drag and Drop
Jobs in the Unassigned list may be assigned to s trip by dragging a job and then dropping it on a trip.
Trip List
To show only selected trips in the Trip List, enter a value in the Filter box. The trips will be filtered by the trip code, vehicle code and worker code.
Plan Totals
Click the down triangle to show the total drive time, work time, and cost for the plan.
Click the up triangle to close the Plan Totals.
These icons may be used to perform various functions:
- Left arrow – move trip to the column to the left.
- Up arrow – move trip above the trip currently above it.
- Down arrow – move trip below the trip currently below it.
- Right arrow – move trip to the column to the right.
- Up/down arrows – reverse the order of the trips.
- Octogon/X – unassign the jobs from the trip.
- Lightning bolt – place the jobs in the optimal (lowest cost) order.
- Calculator – recompute the cost of the route. Required after reversing the order of the route, or after dragging a job out of the trip or into the trip.
- Eyeball – show the route line on the map.
Clicking on the map will show a different list of context menu items depending on the item under the mouse on the map.
Job Details
If the mouse if over a stop on a trip, the Job Details form will be displayed.
Edit Location
If the mouse if over a location that is not on a trip, the Edit Trip form will be displayed.
Create Location
If the mouse is not over a location, the New Location form will be displayed.
Click on this item to see the current weather conditions at point selected.
Click on this item to see the weather forecast at the point selected.
Click on this item to close the map menu.