Edit My Profile

Plan Configuration

On the Hello… menu, click on Edit My Profile.

The Plan tab should be shown.

Plan Start TimeThe time of day when a new plan date starts. For companies with deliveries normally during daylight, leave that at 12:00 AM. For overnight deliveries, contact Brewery Routing support.
Create Daily Plan in Advance (Hours)The number of hours before the start of next plan date, that the plan will become available for loading work from QuickBooks and assigning jobs to trips. This should normally be set to 12, to make the plan available at noon the day before it is executed.

Speed Factors Configuration

Click on the Speed Factors tab.

This tab is used to set the factors used to compute the drive time from one location to another.

A value of 100 indicates that the normal drive time should be used. A value of greater 100, indicates that the drive time is LONGER than normal. A value of 110, for example, means that the drive time is 110% of the normal time.

WeekdayThe factor to be applied during weekdays (Monday through Friday) for the three hour interval starting at the time indicated.
SaturdayThe factor to be applied on Saturdays for the three hour interval starting at the time indicated.
SundayThe factor to be applied on Sundays for the three hour interval starting at the time indicated.
WeatherThe factor to be applied when the given weather conditions are predicted.

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